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Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Spanish Catalog

Be sure to check out the Otras Búsquedas link as well to find pre-limited search boxes leading only to Spanish -Language materials.

Donate to the library!

You can now donate to the library, just click on the above link or click on the button on our homepage! We thank you for your support!

Send call numbers via text

Send Call Numbers Via Text Message
Beginning tomorrow users will be able to send title, location, and call number information from the Catalog directly to their cell phones via text message.
To use this service, patrons will need to click on the “Send Via Text Message” button below the list of items on the Bibliographic display. They will be prompted to enter their phone number, carrier, and select an item to send information for. Once they click Send, the message will be sent to their phone in a text message.
Please note: If the bibliographic display has an item with no call number listed, the message cannot be sent. The button will just disappear when it is clicked.
What is this used for?
Frequently Asked Questions:
As users become more and more attached to their phones, many people may find this service a convenient method for:
taking note of a call number and location before going to find it in the library’s stacks
librarians sending information on an item to a patron
asking family members or friends to pick an item up for you at the library
reminding yourself of items you’d like to check out later
What information is included on the text message?
The message comes from the account sclsod@suffolk.lib.ny.us, and looks a bit like this:
Subject: From the Library Catalog Loc: (Location) Call: (Call Number) Title: (Title)

Can people add additional information to the text message?
A text message must be 160 characters or fewer. There would not be enough space to add any additional information.
Are there any charges associated with this service?
While sending a message in this way is a free service, users may be charged for the text message, depending on their mobile plans. The following message displays just aboue the “Send” button for this feature: NOTE: Carrier charges may apply if you cell phone service plan does not include free text messaging.
When I click on the button, it just disappears! What happened?
This happens when there is not enough information in the item record to send the text. Usually, this means that there is an item attached with no call number.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

EBSCO Footnote Isuue

At this time, Footnote cannot display "View Image" items when patrons access the database from home. The patron will see the message "Downloading Document..." which does not stop and must click on the "Go Back" link to return to the search results window.This is not a problem in the libraries.
Please call the reference desk at 273-7883 ext 305 for assistance.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Catalog Maintenance

The Suffolk County Catalog will be down due to a scheduled system upgrade between 9 pm Thurs, 10/15 & approximately 12 pm Fri, 10/16/2009

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Sunday Hours

The Brentwood Public Library will be open on Sundays starting October 4th, from 12-4 pm

Thursday, September 03, 2009

Answers 24 x 7

Answers 24x7 service will be closed Monday, September 7, 2009,  in observance of the Labor Day Holiday.  They will close at 12:00 am ET on Monday, September 7, 2009, and will reopen at 12:00 am ET on Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Friday, July 17, 2009

Catalog Maintenance

The system will be unavailable for approximately one hour after closing at 9:00PM. Patrons will not be able to access the Catalog while engineers perform some adjustments to the servers

Thursday, July 02, 2009

Answers 24 x7

Answers 24x7 will be closed Saturday, July 4, 2009, in observance of the Independence Day Holiday. They will close at 12:00 am ET on Saturday, July 4, 2009, and will reopen at 12:00 am ET on Sunday, July 5, 2009

Thursday, May 28, 2009

System Maintenance 5/28/09

Due to system maintenance, the (Public) Catalog will experience some downtime between approximately 9:30pm and midnight on May 28. During this period, the public catalog or various functions of the catalog will be periodically unavailable

Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Monday, May 04, 2009

Chef Charlie-Short Cut Gourmet CANCELLED

Chef Charlie-Short Cut Gourmet CANCELLED for May 4th, 2009

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Library Budget Passed!

Library Budget Passed! Thank you for your support!

Monday, February 23, 2009

Long Island Reads Ticket Information

We are thrilled to have received a commitment from Doris Kearns Goodwin to appear at the 2009 Long Island Reads "One Island, One Book" author event. Ms. Goodwin will discuss her book Wait Till Next Year on May 6th at the Brentwood Public Library
Ms. Goodwin will sign books, and books will be available for purchase at the library.Tickets are available on April 1st from the county systems.
Nassau System 516 292-8929 ext. 236
Suffolk System 631 286-1600 ext 1366
For more information, please check the Long Island Reads website at http://www.longislandreads.org

Thursday, January 08, 2009

Contact your Elected Official ( Reduction in Library Aid)

The proposed 2009-10 Executive Budget includes an $18 million or 18% cut in Library Aid on top of the cuts imposed in April and August of 2008. This would reduce Library Aid to $80.5 million - a level not seen since 1993.

Please visit NYLA's ( New York Library Association) website at http://www.nyla.org/index.php?page_id=925
and click on the Contact Your Elected Officials icon to send a fax or email to your state legislators and the Governor protesting this cut in Library Aid.

Libraries are willing to do their fair share in addressing the state's fiscal crisis and we have done our part already, twice in 2008, but now it is time for others to do their fair share, before asking the library community to do more.