Send Call Numbers Via Text Message
Beginning tomorrow users will be able to send title, location, and call number information from the Catalog directly to their cell phones via text message.
To use this service, patrons will need to click on the “Send Via Text Message” button below the list of items on the Bibliographic display. They will be prompted to enter their phone number, carrier, and select an item to send information for. Once they click Send, the message will be sent to their phone in a text message.
Please note: If the bibliographic display has an item with no call number listed, the message cannot be sent. The button will just disappear when it is clicked.
What is this used for?
Frequently Asked Questions:
As users become more and more attached to their phones, many people may find this service a convenient method for:
taking note of a call number and location before going to find it in the library’s stacks
librarians sending information on an item to a patron
asking family members or friends to pick an item up for you at the library
reminding yourself of items you’d like to check out later
What information is included on the text message?
The message comes from the account, and looks a bit like this:
Subject: From the Library Catalog Loc: (Location) Call: (Call Number) Title: (Title)
Can people add additional information to the text message?
A text message must be 160 characters or fewer. There would not be enough space to add any additional information.
Are there any charges associated with this service?
While sending a message in this way is a free service, users may be charged for the text message, depending on their mobile plans. The following message displays just aboue the “Send” button for this feature: NOTE: Carrier charges may apply if you cell phone service plan does not include free text messaging.
When I click on the button, it just disappears! What happened?
This happens when there is not enough information in the item record to send the text. Usually, this means that there is an item attached with no call number.
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